NFL and Bankruptcy

I find it interesting that the National Football League has teamed up with Visa “to help teach financial concepts with Financial Football, a fast-paced, interactive game that engages students while teaching them money management skills.  (

I find it interesting that the National Football League has teamed up with Visa “to help teach financial concepts,” especially in light of the recent report that “one in six NFL players declare bankruptcy within 12 years of retirement no matter how much they made or how long they were in the league.”  Of course, I heard this fact from NPR: (  It seems to me that the NFL would offer a similar program for its own athletics.

Although the interview I heard pertained only to football players, this same statistic applies to NBA players as well.  Admittedly, I have not done the research on other sports, but it would not surprise me if this statistic remains constant.  Why?  Because if young people are like I was, I did not think of saving when I got my first “real” job.  I knew I needed to save, I just put it off.  Now, like many in my age group, I have learned the value of saving and preparing for the future.

One of the benefits of the Financial Leadership in Ministry program here at MTS, is the benefit of meeting with financial advisors to develop a financial plan.  It’s never too early, and if you waited as long as I did, you need to get started now.