On December 2, 2013, the Lilly Foundation announced that Memphis Theological Seminary (MTS) would share in an award of more than $12.3 million as part of an initiative to address economic issues facing future ministers. In an effort to address these issues, MTS developed a Financial Leadership for Ministry course.
The FLM course specifically addresses the following:
In this course, students will seek to answer those questions by considering biblical and theological resources for developing a theology of finance, along with developing the tools needed for personal financial planning and the management of finances in a church setting.
When: January 23, 2023 – May 12, 2023
Duration: 13 weeks
Seats: 15
Where: Memphis Theological Seminary
Join: Register or Audit
These courses aid students in seeking to increase understanding of financial literacy while also considering biblical and theological concepts of finance and stewardship.
Money is so important in our lives as God’s people that it is the second most frequently mentioned theme in the Bible. Money drives our work choices, impacts our relationships, affects the health of our environment, shapes our self-image, and keeps us up at night. If something is that important to us as God’s people, shouldn’t the church have something to say about it other than the church raising money for next year’s budget or a new capital campaign?
Get a taste of our courses:
0 – 3min 11 sec
Dr. Jay Earheart-Brown | Planned Giving
3 min 12 sec – 8 min 18 sec
Dr. Mary Moore | Clergy Compensation
8 min 19 sec – 13 min 35 sec
Chace Hamner | Developing Personal and Church Banking Relationships
Memphis Theological Seminary
168 East Parkway South
Memphis, TN 38104
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Mon – Thursday : 8am - 5pm
Friday : 8am - 3pm
(901) 334-5887