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Rhonda Hall

Dr. John W. Crittle, II
Dr. John W. Crittle, II is a gifted preacher, teacher, manager, writer and social activist. An educator, a savvy business leader, strategic planner and Senior Pastor of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis, TN where he has lead the congregation into a spiritual revolution while embracing the community and providing it with social economic skills. As the Senior Pastor of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Dr. Crittle has led the way for congregational revitalization. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church is on the move! And, such actions are demonstrated in the on going growth in active read more…
Arlender Jones
Arlender Jones is a native of Holly Springs, Mississippi. She graduated from the University of Mississippi, University, MS with a B.B.A. in Banking and Finance and received her Certification in Banking from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. She is an employee of a large regional bank. She previously served as President and CEO of Sunbelt National Bank in Dallas, Texas, Emerald City Bank, Seattle Washington, and Gulf Federal Bank, Mobile, AL. She moved to Memphis in 2002 to become EVP and COO of MemphisFirst Community Bank where the served in that position until the bank was acquired by outside investors. Arlender has devoted her career read more…
Sandra Quinn (Bailey)
Sandra Quinn (Bailey) is a native Memphian and principal owner of Women Financial Power. The truth is; it’s not about accumulation, but cash flow, never running out of money; protecting yourself and your family. Her focus is working with successful individuals and business owners who are concerned with paying too much in taxes, planning for retirement, and market volatility. As clergy, you may not have a retirement plan. Let’s discuss your options. What are your goals? If you currently have a retirement plan; is it sufficient for your personal and business needs? Have you set goals for your church & congregation? Educating you on the simple basics is her plan. read more…
Charles Skipper
Charles Skipper graduated from University of Mississippi with a degree in Business Administration and Business Management. He received his Masters in Secondary Education from the University of Phoenix. He has been 3 years experience as a Financial Advisor with Mass Mutual Financial Group. Knowledge is the key to a successful financial future. Charles’ background, experience and commitment to providing students with the resources needed to make financial decisions, can help make their financial future as successful as it needs to be. Charles prides himself in getting to know each client so that he can understand their individual needs and what matters most to them. read more…