Dr. John W. Crittle, II is a gifted preacher, teacher, manager, writer and social activist. An educator, a savvy business leader, strategic planner and Senior Pastor of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis, TN where he has lead the congregation into a spiritual revolution while embracing the community and providing it with social economic skills. As the Senior Pastor of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Dr. Crittle has led the way for congregational revitalization. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church is on the move! And, such actions are demonstrated in the on going growth in active membership, the acquisition of local real estate, community involvement and avenues to minister to the least, the last and the lost.
Dr. Crittle is a well known Lecturer and Keynote Speaker. His many gift have opened such doors as the Keynote Speaker for the Rust College UNCF Banquet, the National Association of Black Evangelical Churches, high school graduations, the National Association of Black State Congressional Leaders, the Greater Memphis District Congress of Baptist Church and many other churches and church related events throughout the country.
His management and strategic planning skills exalted him to serve as the President of Holly Springs and Marshall County District Congress for Nurturing Baptist Churches; Board of Directors and Chairperson for Crittle Financial, Inc., Adjunct Professor of Accounting at Victory University and Professor of Theological Studies and Accounting at National College of Business and Technology, Bartlett, TN.
Dr. John W. Crittle, II is a native of Holly Spring, Mississippi, and the son of Mrs. Ivion M. Crittle and the late Gus J. Crittle, Sr. Dr. Crittle is married to the former Corarine Tallie and the father of five children, John, III, Jaron, Joshua, Jairus, and Jemena. His wife and children are extremely dear to him and he loves each one of them unconditionally. For Dr. Crittle, the joy, growth and love of family stability is the driving force behind his pursuit of excellence.
His early education was in the public schools of Holly Springs, Mississippi. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from Rust College, Masters of Divinity in Theological Studies from Memphis Theological Seminary, Doctorate of Ministry in Congregational Revitalization from McCormick Theological Seminary, Master of Science in Accounting from Strayer University.