Paying Student Loans without going broke | John Stygles
Sometimes student loans can become overwhelming. The focus of this topic will share the different options of repayment as well as some ways to steer clear of putting yourself in a position to default on your loans. You don’t have to go broke in repayment but you’ll need to know your options.
Building Savings and Growing Investments | Bobby Peters
Living paycheck to paycheck is common but it doesn’t have to be. Come and learn the different ways for you to save now and prepare for what you want to do later.
Debt Reduction and Credit Repair | Charles Skipper
Some of the hardest conversations are the most necessary. This topic will focus on ways to strategize about debt reduction as well as understanding how to build credit and ways to utilize your credit.
Retirement, Insurance and Social Security | Sandra Bailey
No one wants to be in the position of saying, “I wish I had known that earlier!” Retirement, Insurance and Social Security seems to fall in that category too often. Come learn the many avenues of building your retirement as well as the different options of insurance that will benefit you and what you need to know about social security to prepare you for the future.
Savvy Saving and Budgets | Deborah Wade
Budgets tell your money where to go! When we don’t plan for our money, our money will go where we did not plan. Let’s craft a budget that’s not overwhelming for you. Let’s craft a budget that adjusts to your plans and get a realistic view of your spending power.
Finding Funds to Fund Your Vision | Keith Gaskin
Many have great ideas but do not know how to fund them. This topic will focus on the different avenues of funding that’s available and how to raise money to fund your vision.